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Aside-quote shortcode

A flexible shortcode and short-tag combo to add various quotations as asides in your articles, which pull data from Textpattern links.



As the W3C recommendation for the aside element says:

The element can be used for typographical effects like pull quotes or sidebars, for advertising, for groups of nav elements, and for other content that is considered separate from the main content of the nearest ancestor sectioning content.

The bold is used here to emphasize how this shortcode was conceived for use, as a quoted element off to the side in a long-form article structure, where the nearest ancestor sectioning content is a section chapter in the article. However, you can use and modify this shortcode any way you want.

In this case, the following article structure was in mind, where an aside is an offspring of a given section it relates with:

		<p class=“publine”> …
	<section class="chapter"> … </section>
	<section class="chapter">
		<aside> … </aside>
	<section class="chapter"> … </section>

(Note: Closing p tags are not obligatory in HTML 5.)

The aside block itself is structured similar to what the W3C specification recommends for pullquotes, but with a variation — an additional p element to include additional information about source of quote:

<aside class="">
	<q> … </q>
	<p class=""><span>Name</span> <span>Title</span>

The p addition is made here because this shortcode is not a pullquote. The quotes are indeed relevant to the main content, but they do not come from the main content, they come from external sources and are used in relation to the content as relevant asides.

Thus the name of this shortcode: “aside-quote”. Or if you like, “linkquote”, because the quoted content and related source information will be structured as a Textpattern link.

Shortcode to use

Create a new Form of type Miscellaneous called linkquote, paste the following markup into it, and Save the form:

    Use this in an article as:
    <txp::linkquote />

    Attributes are:
    class="" (on <aside> element)

<aside<txp:if_yield name="class"> class="<txp:yield name="class" />"</txp:if_yield>>
    <txp:linklist id='<txp:yield name="id" />'>
        <q><txp:link_description escape="tidy,textile,ltrim" /></q>
        <p class="sig"><txp:if_yield name="name"><txp:yield name="name" /><txp:else /></txp:if_yield><span class="sourcelink"><a href="<txp:link_url />"><txp:link /></a></span></p>

You can remove the top comment hidden with <txp:hide> … </txp:hide> if you want to, but it’s useful as a reminder about how to use the associated short-tag when needed.

Short-tag and attributes

Following how custom short-tags and shortcodes work, the associated short-tag for use is:

<txp::linkquote />

There are three attributes defined:

  • Required: id="" (the ID number of the link used)
  • Optional: name="" (a name of your choosing if needed)
  • Optional: class="" (CSS selector used on the aside element; idea here is to set different float directions and widths as desired)

The shortcode was conceived to be flexible enough for adding various types of quotations, or, rather, from various sources. The idea is they are not directly part of the main content, or else they would be more appropriate as blockquotes, not asides.

The only similarity with pullquotes, perhaps, is how you might style them to appear; floating left or right in relation to surrounding content. But there is no rule that asides styled this way have to be “pullquotes” by definition. Pullquotes are stupidly redundant, in fact. Aside-quotes, as described here, are where it’s at!

The process is described using Tweets, but as long as whatever you’re quoting can be structured as a Textpattern link, the sky’s the limit — other social media posts, blog comments, platform bios, taglines, those reviewer quotes you find at the front of books, and so forth.

Tweets are essentially short quotations from people that can be brought into context of a story as asides without being part of the main text. And by adding links purely with Textpattern, you’re not poisoning your site with Twitter code injections and tracking BS.

Create the link categories:

  1. In the Categories panel, create a new link category called “Asides”. This will become the parent category for all types of aside-quote links.
  2. Create a second link category called “Tweets” and assign the “Asides” category as the parent.

Create the Tweet links:

In the Links panel, create your Tweets using this association to the Textpattern link fields:

Link field values.
Link field Tweet element
Title Date of Tweet (e.g. '23 August 2009')
Sort value Leave blank
URL Link to Tweet
Category Select 'Tweets'
Description The actual Tweet text


Now you’re all set to add Tweets (in this case) as aside-quotes in your articles.

Open your article draft in the Write panel, and use the short-tag between two paragraphs, where desired, as follows:

…end of a paragraph.

<txp::linkquote id=“19” name="Drunk Hulk" class="xxl" />

Start of new paragraph…

The above hypothetical tag might output a Tweet as follows, depending on how you style everything:


Drunk Hulk 23 August 2009

Attention: See notes in Core short-tags about the correct tag to use if the core short-tag preference is disabled in the Preferences panel.

Notes and explainers

The escape="tidy,textile,ltrim" attribute used in the link description tag allows using Textile formatting in your link descriptions (notably the tidy,textile values). For example, to get the bold formatting on the word “SMASHED,” as depicted above, the description could be written as Hulk *SMASHED!* Or you could write it with a Textile span like this, Hulk %(impact)smashed!%, then style the CSS rule for .impact using a text transform for uppercase, and a niftier typeface for extra visual oomph. (The ltrim attribute value clips white characters left. You may not need this. See Tag escaping doc to learn about all escape=“” attribute uses.)

The p element and it’s two span children enable styling the name and date output however you want, together or separately. For example, you could use pseudo rules to add punctuation around the name: – Drunk Hulk,. Or use display:block; on the span elements to put the date under the name instead of using punctuation. Note there is also a hard class="sig" set on the p element, but you can remove or change that as desired in your own shortcode form.

By writing in a value for the name="" attribute, you can choose to use a person’s twitter name, like in this case: “Drunk Hulk”. Or their Tweet handle: “@drunkhulk”. Or leave out the dumb @ symbol: “drunkhulk”. Or anything else you want, which makes this attribute flexible for other quote source types besides Tweets.

Because the name="" attribute is optional, no name will appear under the quoted Tweet if you leave it out of the short-tag. The date will still appear as a link to the actual Tweet location because that’s hard-coded in the shortcode (unless you modify it).

The class="" attribute can take multiple values, as you would expect (e.g. class="value1 value2 etc").

Of course, you can modify this shortcode to any other need you want to create. Have fun.

The shortcode using core short-tags

The shortcode above was described using regular Textpattern tags. But you could, for kicks, rewrite the shortcode using core short-tags. In other words, this would also work:

<aside<if::yield name="class"> class="<txp:yield name="class" />"</if::yield>>
    <txp:linklist id='<txp:yield name="id" />'>
        <q><link::description escape="tidy,textile,ltrim" /></q>
        <p class="sig"><if::yield name="name"><txp:yield name="name" /><txp:else /></if::yield><span class="sourcelink"><a href="<link::url />"><txp:link /></a></span></p>


  • txp:if_yield becomes if::yield
  • txp:link_description becomes link::description
  • txp:link_url becomes link::url

The only advantage to that in this particular shortcode is a savings of 10 characters. Other shortcodes may be different.

Also, it only works if the short-tags feature is enabled in the Site preferences under the Preferences panel. So if you have that preference disabled, don’t use this version of the shortcode.

The shortcode using tag integration concept

As described in the Integrated tag notation doc, you can even use the concept of markup integration (making the HTML as global Textpattern tag attributes) to reduce overall markup volume of the shortcode.

For example, the following is yet another way to build the aside-quote form:

<txp:linklist id='<txp:yield name="id" />'>
    <q><txp:link_description escape="tidy, textile" /></q>
    <p class="sig"><txp:yield name="name" /><span class="sourcelink"><a href="<txp:link_url />"><txp:link /></a></span></p>

(Note we’re not using core short-tags in this case, as described previously, but you could just as readily.)

That block of markup is fewer characters overall. In this case we’ve used a different combination of Textpattern tags to target the data values we want from the links, notably the linklist container tag, and we’ve removed the wrapping aside tags (HTML tags).

But we need those wrapping HTML tags, so we need to use the concept of markup integration on the associated output tag to define the HTML as a global attribute (i.e. wraptag="aside"):

<txp::linkquote id="" name="" wraptag="aside" class="" />

One advantage of this shortcode/tag variation: if you forget to add a link ID, or add one that doesn’t exist by accident, no output will occur at all, not even an empty aside container, which is what you’d get with earlier examples.

Of course, you should always verify your front-end result whenever adding output tags like this, and there would never be an issue. You’d see the problem and fix it.

In summary, we’ve made a trade-off this this version of the shortcode. There’s less markup in the shortcode, but:

  • there’s more markup in your article due to the longer short-tag (maybe more of an eye-sore too)
  • the short-tag is maybe harder to remember, and
  • there’s a hit on PHP processing due to integrating the markup as a global HTML attribute.

Whether that is easier to grasp than earlier examples is subjective to the individual. And if you’re working on a collaborative site, you have even more opinions to take into account.

Options are good.

If you notice any kind of problem with this page's construction or content (outdated information, typos, broken links, or whatever), open an issue to have it sorted. Or have a go at it yourself. :)